Celebrating commitment: Theresa, Nutrition and Wellbeing client, and Nina, Active Ageing client, crowned winners of HILS Wellbeing Client of the Season Award, Spring 2024

April 29, 2024

Our Wellbeing Client of the Season Award is an opportunity for us to celebrate our clients’ achievements and determination, and to inspire more people to seek help if they need it.

Staying Healthy

This season, we are celebrating Mrs. Dewis, who has had an incredible boost of independence over her year with our Nutrition & Wellbeing service.

When she first started with our service, Mrs. Dewis was still recovering from pancreatitis, which had the knock-on effect of causing type 3c diabetes. She was very weak at the time and even struggled to venture across the room to step onto a set of weighing scales, which in turn had a negative effect on her mood.

Over the months, Mrs. Dewis’ strength has grown in leaps and bounds. She can now take her small dog for a walk twice a day and has begun thinking about pushing herself to do some projects in the garden once it has warmed up. Mrs. Dewis’ mood and wellbeing have continued to increase over the recent months.

Staying Active

We are also celebrating Nina this season, who showed real commitment to the Active Ageing programme.

Nina suffers from Parkinson’s; however, she was very committed to the programme put together by our Active Ageing Instructors. Initially, walking was a struggle as she would drag her feet and almost get ‘stuck’ sometimes. She struggled to push herself up from a chair; however, with persistence and the correct technique, she managed to improve this, and getting up from chairs became a lot easier towards the end of the programme.

She went out of her way to make sure she had her own equipment to help her with exercises, such as light ankle weights and even foam poles. She and her family showed real commitment to the programme and made sure they practiced properly in their own time.

Doing the exercises was a great way for her to realise she is still capable of a lot more and she did not let her Parkinson’s get in the way. She really enjoyed the exercises and the programme and has made a commitment to keep practicing.