Health and Wellbeing Administrator: a day in the life of Alana

May 28, 2024

Welcome to our ‘A Day in the Life’ series, where we chat to HILS team members to see what they get up to in a typical day and the impact their efforts have on clients across our services.


This month we want to introduce you to Alana. Alana’s role at HILS is as one of our Health and Wellbeing Administrators. They play a vital role in supporting our Health and Wellbeing team members, allowing them to deliver a seamless and important service.

Alana, part of our Health & Wellbeing administration team

8:50am – 9am: Starting the day right 

As the clock nears 8:50am, I arrive at the office, ready to tackle another day. My first order of business is setting up my PC and unpacking my bag of drinks and snacks, ensuring I’m fully prepared for the day ahead.

9am – 9:30am: The email routine

At 9am sharp, I dive into my emails. This can be a lengthy task, depending on the day. Each email needs to be read and responded to where necessary. The Active Ageing team often sends updates about clients completing their programs, which means updating our spreadsheets. The Nutrition team may request new clients or paperwork, and the Key Safe team sends job sheets that need uploading to our system. Once all emails are checked and sorted, I’m ready for the next task.

9:30am – 10:30am: Meetings and morning tasks

On Tuesdays and Thursdays, this time slot is reserved for team meetings with the Active Ageing and Nutrition teams. These meetings are crucial for catching up on updates and new requests. On other days, I start with simpler tasks such as updating spreadsheets, ensuring caretakers are available, sending important emails, and preparing equipment for the teams.

10:30am – 12pm: Client calls and lengthy tasks

Mid-morning is dedicated to more time-consuming tasks, including calling clients. This might involve booking Active Ageing instructors, scheduling new Nutrition client visits, arranging Key Safe installations, or contacting care homes for training or screenings. Additionally, I tackle monthly tasks like room hire invoicing, and sending instructors reminders to call back clients every 6 months.

12pm – 1:30pm: Midday email check and client follow-ups

After a morning of varied tasks, it’s time to revisit my emails. Teams often email throughout the day, with each message usually requiring some action—whether it’s setting a reminder to call a client, marking a client to show they have finished the course, or checking the room hire system for new bookings. I also use this time to follow up on client calls.

1:30pm – 2pm: Lunch break

Lunch is a much-needed break from the screen. I usually step out of the office to recharge and enjoy my meal.

2pm – 3:30pm: Afternoon focus

Post-lunch, I dive back into work with a focus on different tasks from the morning. If the morning was spent on Active Ageing tasks, the afternoon might be dedicated to Key Safe projects. Throughout the afternoon, emails and phone calls continue to demand attention, offering a chance to interact with clients directly.

3:30pm – 4:30pm: Wrapping up tasks

As the day winds down, I tackle simpler tasks to stay engaged while gradually easing into the end of the day. This includes tidying up spreadsheets, preparing paperwork and equipment, adding referrals to the system, and updating documents.

4:30pm – 5pm: End-of-day routine

In the final 30 minutes, I check and sort through any remaining emails, set tasks in my calendar for the next day, and generally wrap up my activities, readying myself to head home after a productive day.

Each day as an administrator is a blend of structured routines and unexpected tasks, ensuring that our clients and teams have everything they need to succeed. I enjoy my role as it gives that variation in tasks meaning that I can constantly engage my brain in different activities so it never gets boring!

I think our Health & Wellbeing teams are so important to the company, and admire the hard work they do to keep people healthy. I love that I get to play my part in it.

We never fail to admire team members like Alana who work so hard to ensure that we can continue to provide our service. Are you interested in joining the HILS family alongside great people like Alana? Check out our current vacancies, we’d love to hear from you.