Health and Wellbeing Client of the Season – Summer 22

September 25, 2022

In addition to our meals on wheels service, HILS provides nutritional support and tailored physical activity programmes to older and vulnerable people living in the community. Our Health and Wellbeing Client of the Season Award is an opportunity for us to celebrate our clients’ achievements, hard work, and determination.

Keeping Healthy

This season we are celebrating Jean, who has made an incredible recovery over the past six months. Last year Jean was found in her garden after laying outside all night in a winter storm, following a nasty fall. On top of already struggling with malnutrition, this traumatic experience knocked her confidence.

After regular support from the Nutrition and Wellbeing Team, Jean is now following healthy weight gain and hydration advice to improve her physical health as well as improve her independence.

Jean is now able to walk a mile round the village and has even started to drive her car again on short trips to build her confidence – both huge achievements which show how far she has come. Nutrition and Wellbeing Visitor, Stuart, is very proud of Jean’s progress and says her resilience is an inspiration to us all.

Keeping Active

We are also celebrating Peggy this season, a joyful and determined Active Ageing client. Every week, Peggy greets her instructor, Courtney, with a big smile and enjoys telling her how she has incorporated the programme’s exercises into her daily life. Peggy now walks around her home unaided and achieved a personal goal of managing a 25-minute walk down her road, something she has not been able to do for years!

Peggy has been showing off her exercises to family members who are very impressed with her progress. Courtney is delighted with Peggy’s enthusiasm and commitment throughout the programme and says that it has been an absolute privilege to be part of her exercise journey.

Huge congratulations to both Jean and Peggy for showing resilience and determination this season. We hope you will join us in congratulating them as we award them as our Wellbeing Clients of the Season.