Ask, Look, Listen – Malnutrition Awareness Week 2022

October 25, 2022

It’s hard to believe that more than 10% of people over the age of 65 in the UK are affected by, or at risk of malnutrition. That amounts to over 1 million older people. Malnutrition Awareness Week aims to raise awareness of this issue and increase understanding of how to spot and prevent malnutrition.

Our meals on wheels and nutrition and wellbeing services focus on helping older and vulnerable people who are struggling, isolated, or who find it difficult to plan, shop, cook or access food. Our Nutrition Awareness Team also go into care homes to provide training for staff to tackle malnutrition on a larger scale.

The theme for Malnutrition Awareness Week this year has been ‘Ask, Look, Listen,’ which prompts us to consider all aspects of an individual’s physical, emotional, and nutritional needs. This meaningful initiative is led by the Malnutrition Task Force, partnered with BAPEN (British Association for Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition), to raise awareness of preventable cases of malnutrition and dehydration in older people.

“We must all work together to raise awareness of preventable malnutrition, start conversations, and use tools to identify people at risk more quickly. We all need to look out for local people in our community, neighbours, friends, carers, and family members, all of whom may be at risk.” – Malnutrition Task Force

We’ve been providing top tips across our social media platforms and giving out leaflets to clients across our services this week to raise awareness of malnutrition among older people. Keep an eye out for the rest of our malnutrition awareness content this week and join us in our efforts to prevent malnutrition across the Hertfordshire community.

Did you know? Our nutrition and wellbeing service is available to all meals on wheels clients