Nutrition and Hydration Week 2023

March 25, 2023

Nutrition and Hydration Week

Every year, people across the country organise initiatives to raise awareness about the importance of healthy eating and drinking for Nutrition and Hydration Week, a national campaign which has been running since 2012.

This year, between March 13th and 17th, HILS ran several campaign activities, which you may have seen, or been part of. These included:

Spreading the Word

You may have spotted our posters in your local library or GP surgery, or seen some of our posts on social media full of tasty recipes, and tips for eating well and staying hydrated. If you missed these, do check out our Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Joining the Global Tea Party

Wednesday 15th March was Global Tea Party day! Socialising can be a big part of enjoying your food, especially for people who have small appetites and may forget to eat. At our Friendship House community centre in Hatfield, we swapped the usual hot lunch for a selection of sandwiches, scones, cakes and fruit, to make the meal extra special and festive. Our clients also enjoyed some food and drink themed games, and of course, lots of tea.

Hosting VIP visitors from the University of Hertfordshire

We welcomed a group of nutrition students from the University of Hertfordshire, who visited our Jubilee community centre in St Albans. Throughout the day, they spent time with our Nutrition and Wellbeing Team to learn about good nutrition for older people and how HILS supports meals on wheels clients to avoid unintentional weight loss. Sadly, one in ten people over 65 is estimated to be at risk of malnutrition, and 93% of these cases affect people living in the community. Eating and drinking enough for our bodies is a hugely important contributor to preventing illnesses and being able to recover from ill-health.

*If you would like to find out more about what you can do to eat for good health and spot early signs of unintentional weight loss, please see our resources page. *