Health and Wellbeing Clients of the Season – Winter 22

March 25, 2022

In addition to our meals on wheels service, HILS provides nutritional support and tailored physical activity programmes to older and vulnerable people living in the community. Our Health and Wellbeing Client of the Season Award is an opportunity for us to celebrate our clients’ achievements, hard work, and determination.

Staying Healthy

This season we are celebrating Mrs Devereaux, who was referred to our nutrition service due to concerns with weight loss. She had recently had multiple medical procedures and lengthy hospital stays which had led her to start losing weight unintentionally.

Mrs Devereaux was very keen to start the service. She was willing to try new things and was determined to make a change. In fact, after just two nutrition and wellbeing visits, Mrs Devereaux had already managed to increase her weight by 4%, an increase of 5.5 kilograms!

Her Nutrition Visitor, Rebekah, says, ‘Mrs Devereaux has a very positive attitude and is always happy to greet us. We look forward to continuing to support her.’ With the support of her daughter and having followed the agreed plan put together by the nutrition team, she has now achieved her goal weight and is looking forward to continuing to maintain her weight using all the nutrition advice she received using the service.

Staying Active

We are also celebrating Shirley this season who is an eager and enthusiastic participant in our Active Ageing Programme. Shirley lived in Australia for many years with her husband and brought up her two boys there until they returned to England. Sadly, Shirley’s husband passed away some years ago, but his presence is very much felt around the home with photos of them together and beautiful figurines standing on the mantlepiece that he had bought her over the years they were together.

Shirley had reduced her activity levels due to the pandemic and wanted to improve her fitness and confidence. She particularly wanted to work on her balance as she often felt at risk of falling and therefore didn’t feel confident enough to leave the house. With the help of her instructor, Nicky, Shirley set her personal goals: to feel less unsteady and to get out into the community to an exercise session where she could interact with others.

She started off the programme gradually, slowly working on building her strength and stamina. After several weeks with Nicky, Shirley is now performing floor exercises and she can now get out to visit neighbours and friends. Shirley has enjoyed the exercises so much that she has decided to join a local community-based exercise class, achieving her original personal goal.

A huge congratulations to Mrs Deveraux and Shirley who have accomplished so much using our services. We hope you will join us in congratulating them for their efforts as we award them as our Health and Wellbeing Clients of the Season.