Health and Wellbeing Clients of the Season – Autumn 2021

December 25, 2021

In addition to our meals on wheels service, HILS provides nutritional support and tailored physical activity programmes to older and vulnerable people living in the community. Our Health and Wellbeing Client of the Season Award is an opportunity for us to celebrate our clients’ achievements, hard work, and determination.

Keeping well

This season, we’re celebrating Phillip for the progress he’s made with the support of the Nutrition and Wellbeing Team.

Phillip initially joined the programme after experiencing rapid unintentional weight loss whilst in hospital – unintentional weight loss is a common symptom among people at high risk of malnutrition. Despite undergoing a number of major operations, Phillip had an extremely positive attitude, remarkable resilience, and an urge to maintain his independence and achieve healthy weight gain.

Phillip has worked tremendously hard over the last 6 months to reduce his risk of malnutrition. Before being admitted to the hospital, Phillip had several renovation projects planned at home. Thanks to improvements in his weight and overall health, Phillip is now looking forward to achieving his DIY dreams.

Thrilled with his meals on wheels, Phillip feels the service has been a great support in his journey towards recovery, as having nutritious meals delivered daily has allowed him to focus fully on his recovery. However, as a former chef, Phillip is also looking to cook his favourite meals again very soon!

Keeping Active

We are also celebrating June, who is an incredible 90 years of age and has just completed our 12-week Active Ageing Programme. When June began the programme, she was nervous of losing her balance and falling, especially when walking up and down the steps outside her home.

Throughout her time on the Active Ageing programme, June stayed motivated and diligently practised her exercises between sessions with her Active Ageing instructor, Tania. And before long, her dedication and determination paid off! By the third session, June found she was able to get up from her sofa without an aid.

Tania recalls ‘June always had a smile on her face and never lost hope even though she found some days more challenging than others.’ Over time, June started to notice that certain day-to-day activities, such as getting dressed in the morning and household chores, were becoming much easier.

June now has built up enough confidence to go for a walk outside by herself, armed only with her trusty walking stick. This has allowed June to visit her neighbours and friends, and to feel more independent. She even managed to walk for 30 minutes to get home from the hairdresser!

Celebrating her 90th birthday midway through the programme, June said ‘Doing the Active Ageing programme has been one of the most wonderful gifts.’

We are so proud to celebrate our amazing clients Phillip and June. We hope you will join us in congratulating them for their efforts as we award them as our Health and Wellbeing Clients of the Season.