Health and Wellbeing Client of the Season – Winter 23

April 25, 2023

HILS provides in-home nutritional support and tailored physical activity programmes to clients across the county. Our Health and Wellbeing Client of the Season Award is an opportunity for us to celebrate our clients’ achievements, hard work, and determination – and to inspire more people to seek help if they need it.

Staying Healthy

This season we are celebrating 89-year old Charles for his determination and commitment to improving his nutritional wellbeing. Sadly, he lost a lot of weight throughout the COVID-19 pandemic when he was forced to stay at home to avoid becoming ill. However, since he started working with our Nutrition and Wellbeing Team, Charles has managed to put on around 3kg in just 6 months!

With help from his granddaughter, Charles learned how to fortify his meals by adding extra energy and nutrients to his everyday meals and drinks. Over Christmas, he also started keeping a food journal to keep track of his intake and quickly spot when he may not be eating or drinking enough to stay well. He also made huge efforts to read all the nutrition information that our team put together for him so that he could stay informed and learn healthy eating habits.

“Charles has a warm, positive, welcoming nature, and cares greatly about the health and wellbeing of himself and others. He very much deserves the Client of the Season award.” – Catherine, Nutrition and Wellbeing Visitor

Getting Active

We are also celebrating 61-year old Andrew, whose impressive progress within the Active Ageing programme has left a lasting impression on the team.

Andrew suffered a stroke in 2020 which severely affected his mobility. Through a combination of strength building exercises and a positive attitude, Andrew was able to walk the length of his flat twice without the use of any walking aids after just four weeks.

At week seven, Andrew was climbing the 38 steps of his apartment block and by week 11 managed to climb these stairs twice in quick succession!

“Andrew is always upbeat and keen to improve. Whilst I helped to encourage him, it was his own determination and positive mindset that allowed him to make mobility improvements. His inspirational spirit should be an example to us all.” – John, Active Ageing Instructor

Congratulations to both Charles and Andrew for their incredible achievements and for being our Health and Wellbeing Clients of the Season. We hope they like their awards and that they will keep up the good work.