Double Celebration: HILS wins two NatWest SE100 awards

June 25, 2021

We are delighted to announce that HILS has not only been recognised as one of the top 100 social enterprises in the NatWest SE100 Index 2021, but we also won the NatWest SE100 Impact Management award!

The NatWest SE100 Index celebrates the top 100 UK social enterprises in all their diversity. They quote “It’s never easy to make our final selection but it’s always an inspiring exercise. Their stories remind us what’s possible when social purpose and business savvy come together, even in these times of incredible pressure and uncertainty experienced during the past year.” – Pioneers Post.

The NatWest SE100 Impact Management Award measures the success of socially driven enterprises like us. Organisations included in this category make considerable efforts to manage, demonstrate, and communicate the positive impact they have on their clients, staff, and local communities. They take proactive measures to improve their performance through monitoring their social impact so that they can continue to improve the way that they help people.

Chief Executive, Sarah Wren, said: “We are thrilled to have won this award. As a social business, having impact is the foundation and purpose of everything we do. Even through the challenges of the pandemic, HILS has continued to operate and make a difference every single day, evidencing our teams’ impact on thousands of people’s lives. We measure impact across all our services, and then adapt and personalise our support for clients to maximise positive outcomes and improve their health, wellbeing, and independence. For this work, and the efforts of our amazing teams, to be recognised by in the NatWest SE100 Social Business Awards is fantastic.”