Providing extra warmth and comfort for our West Sussex clients

January 20, 2025

HILS were delighted to receive funding for 1,000 wheat bags through the UK Government’s Household Support Fund, a fund aimed at helping anyone who’s vulnerable or cannot pay for essentials.

Delivered alongside our client’s hot meals, the wheat bags have been provided by West Sussex County Council to help support HILS clients during the colder months and they arrived just in time for the recent adverse weather conditions.

The campaign was driven by West Sussex County Council to help enhance the wellbeing of HILS meals on wheels clients.

Our clients were thrilled to receive their gift, especially Barbara Platt, 93, who explained why having a hot meal delivered to her daily is so important.

Barbara said: Meals on wheels has been a lifeline for me since I came home from the hospital over four years ago after a fall. The meals are nice, and it gives me and my family peace of mind knowing someone checks in every day.

“I enjoy seeing my meals on wheels delivery driver as they bring life into my home and are always jolly.

“It’s reassuring to know I will have a hot meal without the worry of cooking for myself.”

County council cabinet member for adults’ services Amanda Jupp added: “This is a great initiative and will help many recipients of our meals on wheels service to keep warm and comfortable at home this winter. Alongside their daily hot and nutritious meals, the microwaveable wheat bags, which are made in the UK, offer an effective solution to providing extra warmth. They can also offer natural relief for aches and pains.”

County council cabinet member for community support, fire and rescue Duncan Crow said: “Our meals on wheels service is vital for many residents as it provides a point of contact for people each day as well as a nutritious meal.”

We would like to thank West Sussex County Council for their continued support and for incorporating our clients into their priority in its Council Plan to keep people safe in vulnerable situations.

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